It is the summer and the kids are off school and ready to be entertained. The problem is, however, you cannot quite afford that trip to Euro Disney, or the holiday to the south of France, or to any of the other exotic places that they have heard some of their friends talking about. To give them the summer they deserve you’ll have to improvise; and here’s how.
Buy an Annual Pass
Try as you might to turn your children’s attention to something different this year, they always seem to be interested in revisiting the same place. Perhaps they are looking forward to riding the attractions that they could not the previous year.
Maybe it is simply that they have good memories of their last visit that they want to relive. The good news is that you could purchase and annual pass for your favourite attraction which is not that much more expensive than buying individual tickets for everyone.
This is particularly useful if you enjoy attending theme parks with your children as they grow and are able to experience new rides with their visits.
Check What’s Happening at the Library
Nowadays libraries are not just for books. In an attempt to move forward and progress with the times, libraries are offering a variety of events for adults and children alike. Best of all, you can leave your children and their imaginations there allowing you to run the various errands you may have, or simply allowing you to take time to meet a friend for coffee.
Events you may find available at the library include groups for reading, board games, and also for film. In addition, you may find that you can get discount to local events through just being a member. For example, libraries are often affiliated with local leisure centres and cinemas.
Your Local Leisure Centre
When you have kids, the good thing about the summer holidays is that local authorities do their best to provide activities for them which usually fall within a price range that is affordable for most. When seeking out these activities, your first port of call should be the leisure centre.
Leisure centre’s provide activities and events that all kids enjoy – swimming pools, indoor football, basketball, badminton, tennis, and squash with lessons being given by specially trained coaches who will look after them. Best of all, they are a great place for your children to make lots of new friends.
The Great Outdoors
Why spend an abhorrent amount on expensive vacations when you take your children to explore the local forest or park? Forests and parks alike offer a variety of paths that you can take your kids to enjoy whether they wish to walk, run or cycle whilst spotting the local wildlife.
You can take a picnic along with you to enjoy or a game such as football or rounders. It can be a good idea to invite some of your children’s friends along so that you can take some time to relax while they all run around until their hearts’ content. If you want to have a staycation, you do not even have to leave the comfort of your home for your kids to experience the outdoors.
If you have a garden, you can put up a tent for them outside which will be something exciting and different for them to enjoy. If they are old enough, they could perhaps spend the night in the tent with some friends after enjoying a BBQ with the family.
Source a Deal on Groupon
If you are looking for something a little more extravagant, you should be able to find a discount for a variety of activities and events on sites offering deals such as Groupon, 5pm and Itison. You can usually find the best summer deals a few months before the holidays, so keep your eyes peeled!